Class Node

All Implemented Interfaces:
Element, Nodes

public non-sealed class Node extends NodePropHelper implements Nodes
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Node

      public Node()
  • Method Details

    • onBuild

      protected void onBuild(Node.Transitive transitive)
    • getNodeListSupplier

      public Supplier<List<Node>> getNodeListSupplier()
      Specified by:
      getNodeListSupplier in interface Nodes
    • getPaintCacheStrategy

      public PaintCacheStrategy getPaintCacheStrategy()
    • setPaintCacheStrategy

      public void setPaintCacheStrategy(PaintCacheStrategy paintCacheStrategy)
    • setId

      public void setId(@Nullable Object id)
    • getId

      @Nullable public Object getId()
    • getTags

      public Set<Object> getTags()
    • runLayouter

      public void runLayouter()
    • getLayoutConfig

      public YogaLayoutConfig getLayoutConfig()
    • pick

      @Nullable public Node pick(io.github.humbleui.types.Point point)
      point - must be relative to the node
    • getLayout

      public Layout getLayout()
    • getTransform

      public io.github.humbleui.skija.Matrix33 getTransform()
    • getFullTransform

      public io.github.humbleui.skija.Matrix33 getFullTransform()
    • getParent

      @Nullable public Node getParent()
    • getParents

      public Collection<Node> getParents()
    • getChildren

      public List<Node> getChildren()
    • getYoga

      public long getYoga()
    • updateLayout

      public void updateLayout()
    • visitParents

      public void visitParents(Consumer<Node> visitor)
    • visitParentsWithShortcut

      public void visitParentsWithShortcut(Function<Node,Boolean> visitor)
    • listen

      public void listen(EventListener<?>... addListeners)
    • listen

      public void listen(Iterable<EventListener<?>> addListeners)
    • hasListener

      public boolean hasListener(EventType type)
    • fire

      public <T extends Event> void fire(T event)
    • bubble

      public <T extends Event> void bubble(T event)
    • findById

      public Optional<Node> findById(Object id)
    • findByTag

      public List<Node> findByTag(Object tag)
    • createRoot

      public static Node createRoot(Supplier<Element> constructComponent)